Location: Provo, Utah, United States

I'm 42 yrs. old and Im divorced for over a year. I have 3 kids ages 16 yrs., 11yrs., and 6 yrs. 1 boy and 2 girls

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Nothing Special

Please be patient with me as this is my first posting. And I honestly haven't a clue what to enter so I'm just going to write what comes to mind.

Even though I'm a mom, I just don't feel like I have accomplished anything in my life. There are woman my age that have degrees and are able to use them and I haven't even finished my first year of college yet.

Yea, I know... i'm whining like a baby and I hate it but I can't help it. If you only knew what I have to put up with everyday. Have a house that me and my husband own that is in need of repair not to mention it's way too small, I mean my kids don't even have much room to play except for the living room. I even thought of applying for the show Extreme Makeover: Home Edition ( I do have a child with a disabilty), but I don't even own a cam-corder. I know that other people have it alot worse than I do... like the terrible thing that happened to those people in Louisianna and Texas where they lost EVERYTHING... so I shouldn't whine or complain cause I still have my house and my family. For that I am very grateful.


Blogger consise10 said...

Hey becky.

Im so glad to see that you have begun your own blog.

As for feeling that you havent accomplished any thing in life Id start from saying that any woman whos beared children and passed them through her loins is a champion! I`m sure your kids provide alot of joy as you have outlined.

As for the other stuff about the hurricanes, well it all serves as reminders to us and what we do have in our lives which is good and positive.

Dont worry about the whining its human nature..and everyone does it.

Im glad to see you got started with your blog and I`ll be looking forward to reading more of it in the future.

5:47 PM  
Blogger becky said...

Hey consise, thanks for understanding and the encouragement. I'm so used to being critisized for just about everything (including my own imediated family), I'm not used to be encouraged to tell my feelings. I will try to enter something everyday (but can't guarantee it). Thanks again for the nice comment... it's very refreshing

6:20 PM  

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