Location: Provo, Utah, United States

I'm 42 yrs. old and Im divorced for over a year. I have 3 kids ages 16 yrs., 11yrs., and 6 yrs. 1 boy and 2 girls

Thursday, September 29, 2005


Have you ever had a night that you just couldn't get to sleep? well I had one of those nights. I went to bed at a fairly descent hour (at least for me). But the problem is... I just couldn't relax, my mind kept thinking and wouldn't stop! I haven't done that in a very long time. The thing I hate most is I am so tired the rest of the day and sleep... but luckily I was able to sleep that night.

You may ask why I am talking about sleep.... well it's because I have a hard time doing it and it feels so good knowing I was able to.

Yesterday I had to start counceling again because I just can't be happy about my life and I cried... hard and it really felt good although I'm still in the same boat that I started in, but at least I'm doing something about it.

My youngest daughter has a disability and that takes up alot of my time, cause I'm taking her to therapy and getting her ready for pre-school and such. My other two kids try their best to help but don't always want to, can't say I blame them, after all they aren't the parent. My oldest (who is a 14 yr old boy), does help me but only when he wants to and my middle daughter who is 9 loves to help me (well sorta)... my husband sometimes helps me but it's a little hard at times cause he works swing shift.

Ok, I know I'm talking about random stuff, but I really am very tired.. I haven't really recovered from my lack of sleep a couple of days ago.

Well I guess I will close for now.. maybe I'll post another or just check to see if anyone is remotely interested in what I have to say.


Blogger charles blunt said...

Hi I found your blog through cinsise10 . And yes I find it remotly interesting . I really enjoy surfing blogs . Hope you keep at it , come visit mine somtime .

12:44 PM  
Blogger becky said...

Hi Charles.. remotely interesting huh? well I guess thats all I can really ask for. Of course I just started this blog thing so I will hopefully improve as the days go by. Thanks for reading it and leaving a comment. I may sound kinda negative... but it's been a very tiring week. Yes I will come visit yours blog and maybe I will get some inspiration from it. Come visit us in 'chat' tonight and we can talk about it... or come see us whenever I'm there everynight (of course after the kids are in bed). Well thanks again.

12:59 PM  
Blogger consise10 said...

In response to what you have said here I want you to know that sleep deprivation is so common, and you are not alone in that regard. I can definately relate with what you have described.

Becky Im very sorry that you are feeling so depressed about your life and I believe the counselling will help in the long run.

Do you have any other support from organizations or even family near by you can call on to assist with the care of your daughter ?

I see Charles has found your blog! Lol...see you do have an audience!
Hi Charles :)

1:02 AM  
Blogger becky said...

Hi Consise10...

I guess it is getting better and it does feel pretty good to get some attention. I just started counceling again and it felt good but I have a long way to go. Yes, I do have some help with my daughter bit I do most of it myself... in fact, I'm going to be taking a vacation all by myself some time next year, I did that a year ago and it was wonderful, no husband and no kids just ME. I really appreciate your concern, I consider you a good friend now and hope you feel the same way.

7:24 AM  
Blogger consise10 said...

Ofcourse I do Becky and its so nice of you to say so too.

1:30 AM  
Blogger becky said...

Consise, I feel like Ive known you for a long time and that you've been my friend for a long time too. Hope it will always remain that way.

12:24 PM  
Blogger consise10 said...

Sentiments understood and thankyou.I`m happy to be your friend and it`s so warming to hear you feel like I`m so familiar to you.

4:03 PM  
Blogger consise10 said...

Now get on with your blog girl!Lol!

4:05 PM  
Blogger becky said...

You know I meant to say is that I feel like I already know you. I dint want to sound weird or anything.

4:56 PM  

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