Location: Provo, Utah, United States

I'm 42 yrs. old and Im divorced for over a year. I have 3 kids ages 16 yrs., 11yrs., and 6 yrs. 1 boy and 2 girls

Saturday, October 01, 2005

A Windy and Cold Day

Ok, I woke up this morning (finally) and realized it was going to be a cold day, but I wasn't expecting it to be windy. We keep complaining how hot it is during the summer and BAM! here comes the cold weather without a warning.

My husband and I went to lunch today and I knew it would be just cold so I wore my flip-flops and a short sleeve shirt, boy talk about a rude awakening I froze just walking from the van to the restaraunt. And we have our windows open at home (for a very good reason) and its it is cold in here. You may wonder if I have a point to all this... I really dont know if I have one or not. Its just cold here and I want the warmth back, I guess the point I have is there is no happy medium with anything.... hey I guess I did have a point after all.


Blogger consise10 said...

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Uh oh ! You have spammers Becky!

Hey I don`t mind cold weather but the cold winds are what make it unbearable and yes the weather is so unpredictable just like life can be at times I suppose.

It is a warm spring day down here right now.

5:36 AM  
Blogger becky said...

Consise... great to hear from you and what do I do about those spammers?

9:46 AM  
Blogger consise10 said...

Go to your Blogger dashboard and then to your settings function, in there click on comments and then enable word verification. That should take care of the spammers Becky,

12:03 AM  
Blogger becky said...

cool thanks Consise

7:02 AM  

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