Location: Provo, Utah, United States

I'm 42 yrs. old and Im divorced for over a year. I have 3 kids ages 16 yrs., 11yrs., and 6 yrs. 1 boy and 2 girls

Sunday, October 02, 2005

It Acually Rained!

It actaully rained yesterday (Saturday), it hasn't rained here in months. Even though it was down-right cold it was a nice change to see the ground wet and the air being cleansed.

The best thing about rain is that we can be in our home with our family safe and dry knowing that our family is safe from the wet outdoors... even though the oldest is in his room watching a movie, but he is home safe and our two daughters are playing in the living room, our children are home safe... yes, I know I mentioned the word 'safe' several times in this passage, but can you really say it enough when it comes to the children?

That is the best thing about the rain... knowing that the whole family is safe at home warm and comforted and we as parents can feel content knowing that.


Blogger Dani Tännler said...

Hi Betty - It's me, the dolphin guy - Danny..:-)) You have a very nice blog, its very nice to read, you write what you feel - that's important in the world we life in.
We had a rainy day too here in Switzerland, and it was very cool. So we stayed home the whole day and enjoyed our little son Kai.
Love & Light Danny

10:36 AM  
Blogger becky said...

Danny hi!

It's great to hear from you. When I started my blog at first I really didn't know what to write (or type).... but then I thought this is my stuff about my life and the happenings of it why dont I just write what I feel! so that's what I did, and so far the comments have been very positive and I like that, I hope it stays that way.

It is so great that we can communticate from paople from different parts of the world and not just from the persons own country through this program.

About a week ago I didnt even know what a blog was but kept hearing people talk about them. But when I happened upon the reality chat room 'bar' Consise10 told me about it then I went into hers and thats when I started me own.

Sorry for rambling on like this... I guess i had alot to say.

Thanks again for commenting and hope to hear more from you.

12:45 PM  
Blogger consise10 said...

The rain is so cleansing as you said Becky. Safety is paramount for children in this world.
And I agree with dolphin guy here you are doing rather well with your blog and it is all about your thoughts and sharing those with people out there in the wider world. Keep it up Becky.

5:47 AM  
Blogger becky said...

Hi Consise... thank yo ufor the encouragement and positive thoughts it really makes me feel good that someone actually likes what i put into writing. And I hate to admit it... but I think I'm addicted... I hope that is good thing.

5:52 AM  

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