Location: Provo, Utah, United States

I'm 42 yrs. old and Im divorced for over a year. I have 3 kids ages 16 yrs., 11yrs., and 6 yrs. 1 boy and 2 girls

Sunday, October 30, 2005

It's been a long time (please ignore the previous title)

I have discovered something amazing... the chat rooms. Even though some people may think they are for disperate people... they arent you can meet alot of great people on there ..... and maybe a few not so great people, i have made alot of friends and I spend alot of time there.

There are alot of themes for themed rooms and u can go into either one of them.

Well, thats where I have been most of the time, and if you were wondering what chat room it is it is called Yahoo chat, yo should try it out sometime


Blogger consise10 said...

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6:46 PM  
Blogger consise10 said...

Hello Becky.
What is going on with you? Did you have a nice Xmas and New Year ?
Up date your blog 'will ya' woman!!

3:44 AM  

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